Zinovia Fhey


Zinovia Fhey, aka Zino or Zin, left her tribe to explore the world. She didn't agree with the the current Tia's practices and ethics, nor did she like to even entertain the thought of being a part of his harem. She traveled to Ul'dah where she came upon the Monk's guild. She learned how to protect herself and others while finding inner peace to focus along the way. As time grew by, she had slowly progressed and practiced all of the disciplines of war and magic. Her favorite jobs are Paladin, Monk, Astrologian and Summoner.She has found so many amazing people along her adventures. One of which was Jameson Blackstone. Jameson came into ownership of the Mouldy Tuba after longtime relative Amara Cursori retired from the business. One day upon leaving his establishment, he saw a young cat woman staring at the building, deep in thought. He invited her in to the bar where she opened up and shared with him the design ideas she seen for the place. He hired her on, listening to how refreshing the design sounded. Ever since the build was done, they were inseparable. He was so entranced with her, he asked for her hand, to be his wife.To this day she adventures with her husband and friends Mocog, Yunica and Myrin to stop any dark forces that try to put Eorzea in despair.

Fhey Designs

Fhey Designs is a house designing business. There are several locations to look upon her designs and creations. Click the links above for the most current designs (showcase) and older designs.
Please contact me on Discord (@melcat) about design prices and terms if interested.

Primal | Ultros | Goblet | Ward 30 | Plot 38 (new design :D)

Crystal | Goblin | Lav Beds | Ward 14 | Plot 42

Crystal | Zalera | Goblet | Ward 14 | Plot 42 (Cafe' Leblanc and Velvet Room from Persona)

Aether | Excalibur | Lav Beds | Ward 11 | Plot 37

Dynamis | Halicarnassus | Mist | Ward 24 | Plot 30

Crystal | Zalera | Goblet | Ward 26 | Plot 16 (relocated)

Aether | Adamantoise | Empyrium | Ward 29 | Plot 47

Primal | Faerie | Goblet | Ward 21 | Plot 44

Primal | Famfrit | Empyreum | Ward 16 | Plot 17

Primal | Famfrit | Goblet | Ward 2 | Plot 23

Primal | Ultros | Goblet | Ward 30 | Plot 38 (redesigned)

Crystal | Zalera | Shirogane | Ward 13 | Plot 24 (redesigned)

Dynamis| Marilith | Shirogane | Ward 3 | Plot 28

Crystal | Zalera | Goblet | Ward 7 | Plot 12 (redesigned)

Dynamis| Marilith |Lavender Beds | Ward 12 | Plot 52

Dynamis| Maduin | Shirogane | Ward 23 | Plot 58

Crystal | Marlboro | Goblet | Ward 16 | Plot 11 (Demoed)

Crystal | Zalera | Goblet | Ward 7 | Plot 1

Dynamis| Seraph | Mist | Ward 20 | Plot 44

Crystal | Zalera | Shirogane Ward 22| Plot 57 (relocated)

Crystal | Zalera | Goblet
Ward 23| Plot 1 (demoed)

Crystal| Goblin | Shirogane
Ward 24 | Plot 22

Crystal |Zalera | Lavender Beds | Ward 16 | Plot 23 (demoed)

Dynamis | Seraph | Shirogane |Ward 23 | Plot 18

Crystal | Zalera | Shirogane Ward 28 | Plot 10 (relocated)

Dynamis |Seraph | Mist
Ward 12 | Plot 13

Dynamis | Seraph | Empyrium
Ward 9 | Plot 21

Crystal | Zalera | Goblet
Ward 28 |Plot 16 (Demoed)

Crystal | Zalera| Shirogane
Ward 24 | Plot 45 (relocated)

Crystal | Goblin | Lavender Beds Ward 23 | Plot 26

Dynamis | Halicanarssis Shirogane| Ward 23| Plot 14

Crystal | Goblin | Mist
Ward 13| Plot 56

Crystal | Mateus | Empyrium | Ward 20 | Plot 17

Dynamis | Halicanarssis Empyrium | Ward 3 | Plot 17

Private Residence

Crystal | Zalera | Goblet | Ward 15 | Plot 55 (Relocated)

Crystal | Coeurl | Shirogane | Ward 30 | Plot 55

Crystal | Goblin | Mist | Ward 16 | Plot 7

Crystal | Zalera | Lavendar Beds | Ward 10 | Plot 5

Other Businesses and Venues

Zin also owns and operates a small bakery/beanery called Sugar Paws. Link below for further information.

We would love for you to stop by either of these establishments or our private home!

The Mouldy Tuba is another establishment that she co-owns with her husband, Jameson Blackstone.Zalera | Mist |Ward 26 Plot 44

Fhey/Blackstone Estate - Crescentwood Manor :
Zalera | Goblet | Ward 24 Plot 41